Category Archives: Marketing Tips for Septic Contractors

Marketing Tips for Septic Contractors

Marketing Tip – Grass Root Marketing

This year at the Cole Publishing Pumper Show, Lenzyme gave a seminar on Grass Root Marketing. The attendance of this seminar (500 +) was proof enough to us that companies are looking for ways to market their companies at a reasonable cost. We introduced 45 marketing tips at that seminar. One of the tips was “Emotional Marketing”. As I spoke to the audience I was watching their reactions. Many of them were shaking their heads up and down, some lit up with smiles about what they were hearing and others (just a few) had the look of the “deer in the headlights”. It was after the seminar and the ongoing response we got at our booth that was just overwhelming. Many stopped to order our candy to begin marketing their companies better. Over and over I listened to their personal stories and how they never really thought about how a customer or potential customer feels after they leave. This was the “Emotional Attachment” that was missing in their business. They all understood emotional attachment but never thought about how it affected their business nor how to even make it happen. Now I want to share a true story that demonstrates the true power of emotional marketing. A young friend of mine is a pretty good football player. He wanted to get a shot at the NFL (every college player’s dream), we sat down one evening and I asked how do you even get noticed coming from such a small school. His reaction was, You don’t! He proceeded to tell me that you send in a DVD with some of your game highlights on it and a letter stating your Name, School, and statistics. That’s it, everyone does the same thing! Brian (my football friend) was not going to get a call from anyone in the NFL, I knew it and I think he did too. In fact, he thought they would just throw his information (probably along with many others) right into the garbage can. That is until we decided to step outside the box and market his highlights in a much different way – the emotional marketing way. Brian sent in his letter, DVD and (get ready for this) a bag of candy private labeled with his number one statistic on it. It read “Discover the Kid in Green Bay that has a 4.3 forty”. Brian got not just one call, but 3 calls already from NFL & CFL recruiters. They all told him the same thing, “We have been in this business a long time and never received anything like this in the mail”. They proceeded to tell him it was one of the most unique things they had ever seen. That folks was Great Marketing and that established an emotional tie. Now at least they will remember Brian. This is what emotional marketing is all about. You or your company are leaving a good lasting impression with the customer or potential customers.

Free Advertising: This was one of the most popular ideas from the seminar and show booth conversations. Contact your local school, scouts, sports, or church fundraising friends. Ask them if they would like to use your candy for raising money. You then order the bag of candy that is private labeled with your company’s name on it, along with the organizations name & logo. They in turn sell it to the public and you just got FREE advertising. Lets not forget the goodwill you just built up with your local community. This is a win-win plan for all. Emotional Marketing is a great way to stay ahead of your competition. Plus we have made this easy for you. Customers will remember you when you use an emotional marketing strategy!

Marketing Tip – The Rule of Repetition

The Rule of Repetition means that any communication is most effective when repeatedly brought to the attention of your target market. Why is repetition so critical? Because
most of your customers won’t take action the first few times. There are all kinds of reasons for this. Your customers aren’t familiar enough with what you want them to do. Repetition helps build familiarity, which in turn helps build trust and it then builds a routine. Your customers have many distractions in their busy lives, and they also have time-pressures. This causes them to delay action, and they will soon forget all about you. Repetition  reminds them about you, and reminds them to take care of things they have forgotten. Perhaps you haven’t encouraged them to take immediate action, or maybe they just haven’t yet realized how your services and products can benefit them. Regardless of the cause, the unfortunate result is that they don’t (or can’t) remember who you are. Start repetition by opening the box and handing your customer the calendar stickers. Ask them to place the stickers on their calendar today, and tell them how important it is for them to treat their system monthly. Follow up with your customers using postcards, phone calls, emails, Facebook, Twitter, etc – all the time stressing the important of monthly treatments. At the same time make them aware of your other services. This will keep you fresh in their minds. If they, or their friends and neighbors, have a problem you will be the first company they remember.

You should conduct business by the Rule of Repetition to the extent possible. You
won’t just present your message to prospects one time and then rest on your laurels.
Instead, you’ll be persistent and stay in contact with your customers with repetition.
You’ll be surprise how fast your business grows by using the Rule of Repetition.

Marketing Tip – Be the Local Expert

Power of the Press. The job of newspapers, magazines, radio, and even TV is becoming very competitive. Every media outlet is competing for your attention. An example of this competitive media environment can be seen in our local weather coverage. In Green Bay snow during the winter months is very common. But listening to the local news you would think it never happens here! When I was a kid a snow storm did not get mentioned in the news unless it was a foot or more. Today every snow storm is big news and you better listen to the local news or you won’t survive. They have to make a big deal out of it just to keep you coming back. On the positive side this competitive media environment is perfect for helping you get your company noticed. You are a professional with extensive expertise in the septic and drain business. If the media knows about you they will seek you out when a topic of interest to the general public is at hand. Provide the local media with a background of yourself and your business. Be sure to include your contact information, experience level, and also provide them with some educational articles. We have plenty of these educational articles which you can reproduce for FREE. Try to get a “meet & greet” with the editor or producer of your local media. The goal of your contact is to be visible to them. That way when something happens and they need expert opinions to help support their coverage you are there to help! Let me tell you about one of our distributors who did this. John from Able Septic provided an educational article to his local newspaper back in March of 2002. In June of 2003 a local resident broke through a rusted out septic lid and broke his leg. John was contacted by the newspaper to give suggestions on how to avoid such problems. His main suggestion was to have risers with safety nets installed. You guessed it, John’s business generated huge revenue that year installing risers with safety nets just because of that one mention in the local newspaper.

With regards to the Pumper magazine, we are often asked to provide distributor names for featured articles in their industry magazines. If you would like to be featured in one of their magazines please contact us with your interest. Topics that make for excellent articles are unique experiences in the industry or you fixed a problem for someone with a special twist. If Cole publishing contacts you for a featured article, please touch base with Jerard before the author does your story. Also, we are always looking for testimonials of our distributors who have used our products or marketing ideas in a successful way. Please send your testimonials to These testimonials help educate the public and result in added sales for you.


Marketing Tip – Ask for referrals

Ask for It. To grow your business the easiest and quickest way you need to ask for referrals. Don’t blow a perfectly good opportunity to grow your business by not asking for referrals. Let me pass on to you what one of our distributors does to grow his business. When they take a phone call from any customer to schedule a pump out, at the end of the phone call they use this wording before ending the phone call. “Thank you Mrs. X for using our services, do you know of anyone else in the neighborhood who could benefit from our services?” 3 out of 4 times they will get a name and a phone number from that customer. “May we use your name when contacting them?” Most of the time they will say YES, in addition they often say they will put in a good word for us. “Again thank you so much for your business, we really appreciate you as a customer. We will be sending along a bag of candy with our driver for you to show you how much we appreciate your referrals. Could we ask one more small favor of you. Please go to our website and facebook accounts and click on the Like Us button.” Everyone goes to our accounts and likes us because they know we just gave them a FREE bag of candy. Now that is a simple and successful way of growing your business with very little cost. Just think of the excellent word-of-mouth advertising you get from this simple bag of candy and just plain asking for it! Give Jerard a call today to talk about getting started using your very own private labeled candy for your referral marketing efforts. Referrals work when you ask for them, start growing your business today.

One becomes Many with Referrals!

Marketing Tip – Complete Septic Service

Fix septic problemAre you leaving MONEY on the table? Most of you make the bulk of your income doing septic tank cleanings. You are in the septic tank cleaning business and that is what you market your company as. But what if you changed that perception and started marketing your company as a Complete Septic System Service? A lot of our distributors are missing the boat as far as the newest trend in this industry – Complete Septic System Solutions! Let me give you an example of this business concept: Most car dealerships started out as just selling new cars, then they added selling used cars, then they started to do repair services, and now they have added oil changes & tire rotations. A dealership is now marketed as your complete solution for your car, a one stop shopping and continued maintenance services dealership. The same holds true in our industry, your customers want a total solution for their system. You should be offering the following services at a minimum: 1) Septic tank cleaning 2) Septic tank inspection 3) Filter cleaning and inspection, plus now a filter bacteria activation 4) Drainfield treatment 5) Lenzyme monthly applications. All these services and income streams can be done while your driver is onsite at your customer location. They are easy and do not take much time. Best of all your truck and driver are already there, so most of your cost is covered by the septic tank cleaning. Provide your customers the best and most complete services and products!